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This far into 2025 as your year-round outdoor market, we’ve been closed more than open, and frankly, that’s a challenge! Of course, we ONLY ever close for safety’s sake, yours & ours, and while we usually have made our peace with it being part of our winter season, we are feeling it more than ever right now! But, this IS part of the literal (and figurative) landscape we live with in our historic, downtown OUTDOORS location of Lexington, VA.

While we LOVE being in the heart of downtown, I’d be lying if I didn’t confess that our fantasy life of a new (weatherproofed) location has been super active these past 8 weeks!

For a dose of reality, and a little fun, I’m envisioning a full -on snowman building contest – which is probably what we all OUGHT to be doing IRL at McCrum’s this Wednesday (2/19) given market day is CLOSED!

In the meantime, join us in virtual snowman building, right here:

And now, as promised…… a sneak preview of some good news…. just around the corner…

Have you, like many of us, been looking for ways to cut down on the amount of plastic in use?

The Waste Reduction Committee of Rockbridge Conservation has come up with a solution:  They will be partnering with the fabulous Refill/Renew store in Staunton and offering a pickup service downtown, right at our Farmers Market. 

Beginning in March, the market will host a “Refill Rockbridge” booth twice a month. 
Customers will use a special website to place their orders for a large variety of high quality, eco-friendly personal care and household products directly from the store.  Your purchases will then be available for pickup at the Farmers Market in reuseable containers.  When you are ready for a refill, place your order online, drop off your empty containers at the Farmers Market booth, then return to collect your refilled containers two weeks later.  It’s that simple! 

Plus, this booth will also bring you news of additional, local & “green” initiatives for reducing waste.  See you there! And hopefully, see you next week AT MARKET, with decent winter weather and our trademarked, warm, welcoming smiles.

2 Replies to “May you live ☃️❄️🥶 in interesting times…”

  1. So excited about the REFILL plans! We just made a run to the Staunton store this week and have longed for a Rockbridge option! Thank you! Y’all stay safe today!

    1. So happy to see your comment, Susan! We’re looking forward to offering more services, in addition to our colleciton of goods & goodies 🙂

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