While the inspiration for this special event was all about honoring the vernal equinox, seeing, and then automagically falling in LOVE with this image has made me want to call it “Spring Fling” for subsequent years. Isn’t this creature just FANTASTIC?! Many thanks to local photographer, Chat Stroh, not just for granting permission to make use of it, but for having the “eye” to see this, and snag it!
Please write and tell me what you think this change of seasons annual event should be called in future years… I’d love to hear from you, really! (Plus, it’ll be a refreshing change from all the spam and bots commenting that i delete behind the scenes. I get excited at seeing the comments count increase, till i realize they’re mostly malware attempts – Gah!)
Anyhoo… here’s a who’s who of the market this week, on 3/19, and what they’re featuring for the Equinox. Anyone in “Bold” is highlighted and with us THIS WEEK ONLY… AND WE HAVE LIVE MUSIC!
Eat My Treats: Spring Sprinkles Over All Our Sweets – Something for Everyone!
Sensorium Herbals: Natural Healing from our Gardens
Paradox: What do the longer daylight hours mean to our chickens & crops?
Ritual Breads Thanks to our new fans, we are returning with more of that Caraway Seeded Rye that keeps selling out!
*N. Forte Sustainably Designed Jewels & Décor, all from fallen, organic objects
Butterfly wings & Floral touches bring new life to vintage frames
*Razumov Ukrainian Pastries (Sweet & Savory) Renew your gut flora (and palate) with Fermented Vegetables
*Mid Mountain Springtime Yields Creative Pursuits at Emerging Arts Collective
Aaron The Knifeman: As always, Restore & Renew your Knives while you wait. Also, collect a free Osage Sapling, sample a top quality nut butter, and just for the Equinox, Restore & Renew Yourself with a free taste of Chai Tea from JungaChai, our local Tea Farmer.
*Dave, w/ Appalachian Wood Display Boards, the perfect backdrop to local artisan food purchases from the LFM
*Rockbridge Radio Live Coverage
*The Holmes Report: Sustainability Classes
*Workshops @ Timber Ridge: 8 weeks of Ceramics Classes from The Workshop @ Timber Ridge
*Katrina Hope with Live Music Wind instruments & more.
Sunflower Flats Last of the winter crops from Farmer JoEllen, her Butternut Squash soup to go AND HER INSANELY POPULAR TOFU SPREAD. Jo, We have missed you all winter!!
Mountaineer Munchkins Homestead: Fertility @ the Homestead – ASk US ABOUT ALL OUR NEW BABIES!!
Nolias Lemonades: Quench your festival-sized thirsts with our many variations, all quart sized!
Ferncliff Flowers & Ferments: Regenerative Back Yards & Mystery Bulb Giveaway
Hermitage Spinach – a cold weather crop is one of the hardest to grow successfully – pick up tips & tricks or a bag of fresh spinach.
Singing Earth Produce Start your garden with our seedlings, just in “thyme” for the longer daylight hours
Kelly’s Persian Kitchen: Celebrate our seasoning mix featuring Mint & Parsley blends, for a traditional Persian flavor. Ask me how my Persian festival “Nowruz” is JUST LIKE your equinox celebration!
Three R’s Microgreens: Grow & Regrow Hydroponically & Sustainably
Just Bee Apiary: What do the longer daylight hours mean to bees?
Hearthstone Farm: Enjoy Our Quiches, made from Eggs, which have long been associated with spring, rebirth, and new beginnings as symbols of fertility. Ours are happy chickens, pasture raised and fed Soy-Free, Non-GMO feed and we believe you can taste the difference
6 Bittersweets: 7 Unique Flavors of Spring Cupcakes & 2 other sweets
Whistle Creek Pet Nutrition We Feature Local Herbs, Woods & Blooms to create “Smudge Bundles” & Incense to Support All Your Decluttering & Spring Cleaning Chores
Twista J Farm, LLC. Foraging Season relies on transitional climate and is just around the corner. We are ready for you!
So come on out, have a good time and mostly, please, remember to support your local farmers & vendors.

We will have dozens & dozens of eggs, of course, as always, Farm Fresh, form Chickens that live roaming freely, pasture-raised, well-fed, loved & cared for.

Thanks, and can’t wait to see you at our first Vernal Equinox Celebration!